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8:01 PM

Final Walk-Through

Day 114 We are in the FINAL DAYS here people!! Things were a little slow around the holidays with the builders crew but they sure have ...
11:16 PM

Where the heck are you?!?!

Day 95 Um…..hi. Yes, i am still alive. Dane and I have been so busy lately it's not even funny.  (Hence, why i am creating ...
5:13 PM

Countdown Begins!

Day 80 The house is really starting to come along! I literally squealed when we drove up and all the brick was put up! It's starting ...
4:16 PM

Dear Pinterest,

Dear Pinterest, After lots and lots of time i have finally forgiven you for not being around while i was engaged and getting married. I...
8:06 AM

Meeting #2

Day 71 We met with our project manager Tommy on Wednesday to do the "official" framing walk through. The purpose of this is for...
6:56 PM


Day 65 This might just be my most exciting  post to date! …the plumping & wiring are all in!  OH! And the bug/termite spray h...
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