when is halloween going to be extinct?
Co-worker "are you soooo excited for halloween?!!!"
Me "um........*insert what you are probably supposed to say here* no why would i be?"
okay here is the deal. i have never been a big go out party all night til you puke because its halloween kind of girl. and thank the world neither is my husband *insert huge smile and air high five here* it's just not my deal for a few reasons:
Me "um........*insert what you are probably supposed to say here* no why would i be?"
okay here is the deal. i have never been a big go out party all night til you puke because its halloween kind of girl. and thank the world neither is my husband *insert huge smile and air high five here* it's just not my deal for a few reasons:
- i absolutely despise being scared. i hate scary movies. i hate scary theme parks. i hate scary masks. i just don't get it. why on earth do people think its "fun" to be so terrified you can't sleep for weeks. i happen to like sleeping peacefully thank you very much.
- i'm not 6 so trick or treating is out.
- i am not a single/skinny/skanky/wild child who wants to be a "slutty nurse" and get trashed. (i am not downing the people that do that....if that's you then good for u! i am just stating that's not how i roll)
- it's normally really cold outside. i am kind of a wimp when it comes to being cold
- dane NEVER wants to dress up with me. i finally got him to last year but somehow he co-dressed with me AND paul!
- i don't have a cute baby/family to dress up. oh trust me when dane i have kids it is oooonnnn!!
dane & i keep trying to boycott this dang holiday and none of our friends will let us. we got to ditch it for the first time last year because i wasn't feeling too well. oh man was it great! eating warm baked brownies, watching forest gump (me for the first time), and staying warm. it was so nice. it was short lived because of the million guilt trips texts we got the next morning.
we have agreed to go to my work halloween function but i am not happy about it. i just want to fast forward to the part where i get the dress my cute baby like this!
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