a not-so-christmas-christmas.
the holiday spirit is just not in me this year. i don't know why. i read peoples blogs and their facebook status's and they are all filled with baking, making wreaths, tree shopping, loving christmas music, holiday cards etc. i just don't feel it.
dane and i will not be doing a christmas card this year.
i am very very very VERY bummed. but it's all my fault so i can't be too upset. so remember how i was obsessing over new years eve and was DETERMINED to make it awesome?!? well i succeeded. at least i hope i did. dane, myself, austin and maddy will be attending the big night san diego gala this year! but the only way i could convince my lovely husband to let us go (it's quite pricey) was to compromise. so i gave up a nicer christmas gift i had asked for and the super adorable way to expensive cards.
my reasoning? i have my whole life to get the expensive gift i wanted AND to do the cards. granted this christmas cards thing has kind of been a mess since the start. even if i did do them...i couldn't send them until another week or so. not all of you know but remember that lovely husband i have? he participated in no-shave novemeber. that means we couldn't take our christmas photos until today. which means i couldn't order them until tomorrow. which means they wouldn't get to everyone until pretty much valentines day. we will just do them next year when i can organize this a little better i guess.
...why am i not in the christmas mood? i even told dane this week that i didn't want to get a tree. i just couldn't see the point in spending way to much money on ornaments and a tree and we would only get to enjoy them for like 2 weeks since we will be spending a whole week back home. am i totally a grinch??
"Bah! Humbug!"
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