Dear Christmas Tree,

11:05 AM
we are about to go into february and you are still up and glowing in our tiny little apartment. i really really don't want to pack you up and put you away. that boy we live with totally does and has been itching at putting you away for some time now. i know this sounds super duper cheesy but you are not just a tree to me. you are now a memory. a memory of how wonderful and special dane made our first christmas. almost like a picture. i want to keep you up so i can look at you and remember how i have the sweetest husband. i want to remember how funny it was that dane got so flustered buying ornaments because he likes to take 5 mins and i would have stayed for hours looking at ornaments. i know at some point you will have to be put in your box and put into storage. it will not be done by me. my guess? i will have come home from work and dane will have done it. but until then i will continue to look at you and enjoy you.

Mrs. E.

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