easter sunday
not being home for holidays really puts dane and i in a bum mood. we try to come home as much as we can but sometimes its just not possible....like for easter. this year was our first easter together (i mean technically last year was but we still lived with the boys so i don't count that haha) and i wanted to make it nice since we wouldn't be with our families.
not to toot my own horn but beep beep! i think we did :)
since we have not found a church out in flagstaff yet and were not even going to try and go to a new church on easter sunday when everyone and their mother are there...we thought we would make it at home.
we slept in, made breakfast (which consisted of eggs, sausage, canadian bacon AND HOME MADE CREPES!) and watched last years sermons from north coast church. it was really nice to be in our pj's, eating a [d e l i c i o u s] breakfast and listening to chris brown.
the rest of the day consisted of movies, olive garden to-go (can you tell we really REALLY don't like crowds) and a friends marathon. i would say we did pretty darn good. even though being home in san diego with both our parents, daryl and landen and the rest of our family would have been ideal....but you make do with what you got right??
ps. i will have to post pictures the next time dane and i make crepes. it was our first time this morning so i didn't want to ruin our concentration by trying to take pictures. it's soooo easy and they were sooo yummy! we even decided to get fancy and make our own strawberry sauce for topping.
...don't be surprised if you see a creperie in our near future ;)
sounds like you had a fun easter! Sorry you guys couldn't be home with extended family but it's great you guys made time to have a special day :)