moving week :)

12:24 PM
i can't believe this day is here already! dane & i have finally moved into our new apartment! now some of you maybe thinking um who cares? and for those of you who think that...let's recap a little.

dane and i moved to flagstaff in july of 2008. a couple months later austin moves in with us. than july of 2009 dane,myself, austins little brother adam and our old friend alan move in together. that has been the set up...up until tuesday.


don't get my wrong, living with roommates has been quite the experiance. it's had some really great times....and well not so great times. but i have learned ALOT from all this. now granted dane and i did live alone for the first couple months we moved up here but everything was so crazy trying to set up our lives here that it felt like only a week.

moving tip: moving in the middle of the week sucks. it just does. dane and i moved on a tuesday, which made things soo hard. he would move stuff while i was at work and than i would unpack and somewhat organize at night once he went to work. instead of having a day or 2 of unpacking its taken us all week.

we are very excited to start this new chapter in our life :)

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