8:29 PM

brittney furniture

yeah....i said it! im THAT annoyed with ashley furniture that im just going to change their name. which why do they call it ashley furniture...
11:37 AM

take me out to the ball game!

Yesterday dane and i drove down to phoenix to meet up with his cousin travis and catch a diamondbacks game! It was a nice change of weather ...
1:41 PM

happy holidays???

omg these have become my new obsession! they are just soooo adorable  and it makes me so anxious for christmas time when dane and i can do o...
9:21 PM

let's talk about this

well my previous post has caused quite the differences in opinions. I didn't even think people read this thing let alone would comment a...
11:04 AM

yes please!

i know that dane and i have only been married for almost 2 months but a girl can dream...can't she??
4:25 PM

gimme gimme gimme!!

so i am currently doing my weekend afternoon be lazy on the couch in my pj's facebook/blog stalking people i barely talk to anymore and ...
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