some good news & some bad news...

11:29 AM
Good News: I made some yummy chocolate chip brownies last night

Bad News: It was just one more unhealthy thing I ate this weekend
Example: peanut butter puff cereal, multiple mini bags of cheetos, chicken strips etc..
...& the brownies didn't last long in the eccles/bucher/leuthe house hold lol

Bad News: Dane and I watched the last episode of the season of Spartacus yesterday
Good News: It was an AWESOME finale! lol

Bad News: Those thank-you cards are still looking at me...and i can sense dane's minor frustration that he worked hard to make sure all of them were addressed for me and i still have not finished writting in them...oops :(

Bad News: It was a portfolio "view only" so i can't upload them until i get the disc in the mail this upcoming week. (i know its lame but i'm really really bummed about that)

Bad News: Dane and I realized that next week is our last weekend until we have to do something that i hate.....PACKING!!
Good News: Even though packing totally sucks, it means that we will be moving into our new apartment very very soon!! :)

Bad News: I am stilling having some "forgiving" issues with a couple of people and i don't know how to get through it. I'm really REALLY hoping this passes because the logical part of me thinks it's a waste of energy to be mad at someone (or multiple someone's) for this long.

PS. THINGS THAT I LOVE: waking up on a sunday morning and listening to dane's weird dream about me being a famous reporter who took him to a party so he could meet a FARTING Christopher Walkins LOL!

...this is why i truly have the best husband!

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