yay for first posts :)

1:14 PM
So I thought it would be a sweet idea for our one month anniversary as newlyweds I would start a new blog!

…okay that’s a total lie it’s just a coincidence that our one month anniversary is on Wednesday haha but it sounded cute didn’t it?

Well I thought it would be fun to have this blog be about the good, the bad, and the ugly of being a newlywed. To talk about what Dane and I are learning as a married couple together.

Like for instance...THANK YOU CARDS!! When we bought them the weekend after our wedding I was soo excited to do them! I got a good 1/4 of them done just the first hour. And then I said I would finish them the next day....and then said oh actually I’ll finish them this weekend...and now we are 4 weeks out and I am finding it quite impossible to finish them. Let me just say that it has nothing to do with not knowing what to say or not wanting to thank people because I do!! If it was up to me I would sit everyone down with a plate of chocolate chip cookies and tell them how thankful we are for coming to the wedding...the gift they got us and just flat out spending this special day with us. But OBVIOUSLY that's never going to happen lol

I just for some reason can't find the motivation to finish them! Let's all pray that I can finish these before it's time to send out invites to our 25th anniversary party lol

Speaking of anniversaries...I am still in shock that Dane and I have already been married for one month! The number one question everyone seems to always ask us is "HOW IS THE MARRIED LIFE"

....to be perfectly honest, it doesn’t feel any different than when we are dating. I know probably a big part of it is that we lived together before we tied the knot. So when most couples come back from the honeymoon and the bride gets taken over the threshold into their new home....we on the other hand came back to our apartment in flagstaff to Alan & Adam playing call of duty! We do think that when we move into our new place, alone, in June that it will seem different. At least we hope so haha. Really the only difference that we've noticed is that when telling stories to other people we now say wife or husband.

I will wrap this up with a weird thought I keep having lately...

Before Dane and I got married we had been dating for 6 years and 4 months. I kind of prided myself in that. For some reason when people asked how long we have been dating, and I would tell them, my heart would smile that we've been through so much and the length of time we've been together was some kind of prize. And now when people will ask I will say we've been married 1 month. Is it totally odd that I’m .00001% sad that I have to say that? Like we are starting over?? I know it will pass but I thought that I would share and see if any other newlyweds felt that? I doubt anyone has but thought it might be interesting to find out.

....PS. to the people (and i know exactly WHO YOU ARE) that think this is stupid, save your self the frustration and don't read it. just dont. This is for the people who think its fun to hear what's going on in our lives. THANKS :)

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean. My husband and I had been together for 4 and a half years and now we have to say "11 months."

    PS: I'm glad you started blogging.


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