top 8

things i've learned about myself since being married...

  1. i feel the NEED to bake. don't get my wrong, i am really starting to enjoy it. but for some reason i do feel if it's been a week or 2 without home made baked goods in the house that i will be in wifey time out. obviously not by dane but for some reason that a wife should bake....all the time lol.
  2. im all talk. i dream of a perfectly clean apartment but wont do anything about it. minus using a clorox wipey to clean up after myself in the kitchen. our bedroom always looks like a bomb went off. i don't know why it's so hard to keep clothes off the floor. it's like the clothes actually enjoy being there than in our closet.
  3. something changes. it really does. i now think that i have more fun on the couch, talking to dane about our day and what not, watching something on our netflix than going out and taking shots all night.
  4. on that note...dane and i have become closer. i know that we have always liked and loved each other but i have been enjoying our time together more than i ever have over the past 6 1/2 years.
  5. babies don't ever stop coming up....EVER! and not just by me but by everyone. it seems to be the only question people want to ask. i don't mind it, i just find it funny people always ask.
  6. whenever i say the word husband to someone i can't help but smile.
  7. yet whenever i say my new last name i feel like i've made a mistake. not a life mistake or anything more like a mix up. i say "it should be under jenna eccles...".and i instantly want to say "oops that's not my last name". sorry but after 22 years of saying jenna king, it's kind of tricky haha
  8. CAUTION MUSHY MOMENT: that dane has made a far better husband that i could have ever imagined. i always knew he would be great but he is really really great. i'm truly lucky. i can't imagine my life with anyone else.
....i know i probably should have made it to 10 but we are only a few months in and the rest of the stuff is all mushy making you all gag how cute it is stuff. i will save that for an anniversary post or something ;)

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