happy one year anniversary babe :)

3:20 PM

for our anniversary post i would like to talk about all the reasons i love dane. but here is the thing...my memory sucks, alot! so i decided to start this post today (august 5th) and every time i think of a reason i would write it down. honestly, if i did it on this special day i might only have a few. not because he doesn't do anything but because again...i have a horrible memory. i will think of something in the middle of the night or brushing me teeth and within 2 seconds its gone.

things i love about dane...
  1. his laugh
  2. how cute he is around his family
  3. he completely just understands that he does the laundry (because it's like pulling teeth to get my to do it)
  4. how loyal he is to his friends
  5. he always takes out the trash without me asking
  6. when i'm being an emotional wreck he can get me to laugh instantly.
  7. he hates to be late!
  8. how caring & thoughtful he is 
  9. when we play mma/ufc fighter he always makes me feel like i'm winning for about 7 seconds before (playfully) putting me in a kimura or armbar haha
  10. his smile.
  11. his arms. omg i LOVE his arms!
  12. he knows ALLLL my secrets and i know he would never tell a soul.
  13. how ridiculously good he is at surprises!
  14. how hard working he is at anything he does
  15. when a package comes in the mail for him he is always just as excited as if it were christmas morning.
  16. the fact that him and i could no joke spend all night just laughing and acting like we are 15 again
  17. he knows every single thing there is to know about me and he is still here ;)
  18. his eyes
  19. he knows when to be serious and when it's time to be silly
  20. how genuine he is when he says "i love you"
  21. all dogs seem to instantly fall in love with him. seriously. every dog we have come across becomes just putty around him
  22. his sweet billy madison dance moves! (if you don't know what i am referring to i HIGHLY suggest you google it immediately)
  23. he quotes friends or how i met your mother daily to me
  24. when he calls to be "little spoon" when going to bed :) 
  25. best gift giver ever. seriously.
dane eccles i love you more than you will ever know.
happy 1 year anniversary!

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